Construction and Off Road

Safety solutions for construction vehicles and large mobile equipment that operates off-road

Construction and Off Road Challenges

Construction vehicles and pieces of heavy-duty off-road equipment present the operator with a range of hazards and challenges. These vehicles may have to operate on rough terrain, around other pieces of heavy-duty equipment and you might have to watch out for people who may be working at an active job site.

With these challenges, mistakes can have serious consequences. That is why these vehicles need the best safety solutions for protecting people and property. With Optimo Electronics, you get safety solutions that can improve safety and efficiency for construction vehicles and off-road equipment. We use only the highest-quality equipment and we test our systems for reliability and durability.

Select one of the vehicles listed below to learn more about what we can do to improve safety. If you don’t see the type of vehicle for which you need a safety system, contact our team directly and we would be happy to provide any answers you may need.

Choose Vehicle

Optimo Electronics offers complete safety solutions for commercial and heavy-duty vehicles.

Complete solutions

Optimo Electronics offers complete safety solutions for commercial and heavy-duty vehicles.

Made from high-quality Korean components, these camera systems offer one of the most dependable solutions for viewing blind spots.

Protect against reverse collisions with a system that automatically detects objects behind the vehicle and sends active alerts to the driver.

Around View Monitoring (AVM) systems stitch four camera feeds together to provide operators with a complete view of the vehicle.

Mobile Digital Video Recording Systems

Our modular DVR systems are meant to work in vehicles that operate under tough conditions and it can support up to 8 HD camera feeds.

Learn more about our extensive range of safety solutions